Connecting The Dots – BoostHBG is 10 years old
One of Sweden’s most important actors in developing talent in film and new formats is turning ten years old. Boost Hbg has supported countless creators and projects since its inception in 2009 and this year it will be celebrated with an honorary exhibition at Dunkers kulturhus from 24th May until 18th August with free entrance! As a visitor you will be able to participate in ten years of creativity, try out virtual reality and experience other types of innovative storytelling.
Connecting the Dots. What does that mean? The name and theme of the exhibition comes from how BoostHbg has tied together and created meaningful contacts between creators and industries, technology and narratives for ten years. This will be celebrated with an exhibition that will inspire visitors to be creative themselves as well as display the kind of opportunities and ideas that have been made possible thanks to BoostHbg.
The exhibition is partly about the creators who have received support from BoostHbg and partly about the projects produced by the creators. Connecting the Dots allows visitors the chance to explore a selection of all the stories created and the different formats that the creators have utilised. There will even be an opportunity to try out virtual reality and other types of projects during different pop-up events on during the exhibition period. These stories would never have been told if it wasn’t for the creativity of the creators. It is the creators who lift the stories up and in turn boost the business that is BoostHbg.
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